The look of: hardwood floors (in good taste)

The sound of: air-conditioning on a hot day

The taste of: the smell of food

The feel of: dogs

Advice to my fellow humans: RUN!!! (trust me)

Christian is 17 years of age and has been studying piano for approximately 80 months. Since our grand opening in September he has been a student at Kalabash and particularly appreciates our practical use of exotic fruit. One day he hopes to nonchalantly play "Great Balls of Fire" at a nightclub and if he could teleport anywhere in the world it would be the Somme River Valley because of it's fertile land and plentiful wine-skins. His teacher Natasha has this to say about him... 

Despite his distrust and criticism of my green juices, Christian is totally awesome, hilarious to work with and has great taste in music, an important quality which makes teaching him all the more fun! He’s always picking interesting and exciting new pieces and has a great ear for listening and learning, often adding his own embellishments and flourishes to the popular literature we work on, in good taste of course. When studying new and difficult material he approaches it with a confident spirit and disciplined practice and I leave our lessons having learnt something new from him each time!

Congrats Christian, we look forward to hearing you play Great Balls of Fire one day.